Swimming Pool Systems

Agricultural Sprinkler Systems


Desalination Plants

Hydroelectric Power Plants

Well Injection Systems

Industrial Processes

Industrial Cleaning Systems

Recirculation Systems

Water Treatment Plants

Industrial Cooling Systems

Pressure Booster Systems

Swimming Pool Systems Agricultural Sprinkler Systems Boreholes Desalination Plants Hydroelectric Power Plants Well Injection Systems Industrial Processes Industrial Cleaning Systems Recirculation Systems Water Treatment Plants Industrial Cooling Systems Pressure Booster Systems

OPVC Applications

It's important to note that the specific applications may vary depending on local regulations, project requirements, and the specific properties of the OPVC pipes being used. Consulting with experts or engineers familiar with the project and its specifications will help determine the most suitable applications for 16 bar and 25 bar OPVC pipes.

Water Distribution System

OPVC pipes are resistant to both external and internal corrosion, so they can be used in potable water distribution systems without the risk of leaks or contamination. They also have leak-free joints, which further enhances their durability.

Underwater Pipelines

For underwater installations, OPVC's increased structural integrity can provide the necessary strength and durability to withstand water pressure and currents.

Irrigation Systems

OPVC pipes are lightweight and easy to install, making them ideal for large-scale irrigation systems. They are also resistant to chemicals, so they can be used to transport water that contains fertilizers or pesticides.

Industrial Liquid Handling

OPVC pipes are resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making them ideal for industrial liquid handling applications. They are also strong and durable, so they can withstand the harsh conditions that often exist in industrial settings.

Underground Wiring

OPVC pipes are crush-resistant, making them a good choice for underground wiring applications. They can also protect cables and wires from moisture and other corrosive elements

Water Treatment & Desalination Plants

In water treatment facilities, OPVC pipes can be utilized for the movement of water and treated effluent due to their corrosion resistance and durability.